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Booking | Jan Wischkowski| This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | +49(0)93135822473


Furious Black Metal! In den letzten 10 Jahren hinterließen Krater massive Spuren in der extremen Metalszene. Wer ihre Bühnenpräsenz bereits auf Festivals wie dem Party San, Thronefest oder House of the Holy erleben durfte, der weiß, dass mit ihrem Sound pure Raserei und Dunkelheit hereinbrechen!

Furious Black Metal! Over the last 10 years, Krater have left a massive mark on the extreme metal scene. Anyone who has experienced their stage presence at festivals such as Party San, Thronefest or House of the Holy knows that their sound is pure fury and darkness!

“KRATER never cease to surprise with their love of experimentation.”

“Frenetic like the title, abysmal like the band's name: KRATER's fifth album "Phrenesis" convinces with strong songs and a gripping atmosphere”

ORIGIN: Germany
STYLE: Black Metal
RELEASE: Phrenesis
LABEL: Eisenwald